How to Thrive in Global Data Management
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  Lee Edwards   Lee Edwards
Strategy Analyst
Ford Motor Company


Wednesday, May 1, 2013
02:10 PM - 03:00 PM

Level:  Intermediate

Working in Data Management in today’s global business environment can be bewildering with seemingly an array of differing business approaches, processes and cultures.

This presentation aims to share the experience gained from many years in this kind of environment, augmented by discussions with DAMA colleagues, around the world and will provide the delegate with ideas and suggestions on techniques to support their growth in the profession.

While the session will focus mainly on communication there will also be practical tools that can be used to understand and support modelling of the data landscape.

The session will cover:

  • It looks different but is it? How to distill to the essence of a business
  • Speaking the same language, how to find and apply the right communication method for the situation
  • Common challenges and approaches to manage them
  • Winning strategies

Lee had several years’ business operational experience before discovering a talent for data design and modelling in 1997. As lead Data Architect for the European Enterprise Data Warehouse she successfully incorporated data from several disparate business types across more than 20 different countries into an integrated data model, supporting the business in fulfilling both Management and Regulatory Reporting requirements Lee also worked for 10 years to articulate the need for a cross business data management program campaigning to gain support and ultimately executive approval for the initiative within the European organisation. Passionate about Data Management, Lee works to progress the industry through serving as Chair of DAMA UK and VP Marketing and Communication for DAMA International, regularly speaking at local and international conferences and acting as a mentor for chapter members.

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